Hi! My name is Jan Kohl, and I am both the administrator for Castle Graphics, as well as the photographer for the original content found on this site.
I have long been captivated with photography since I was a small child. Some of it probably stems from my parents being interested in photography, my dad always had a nice camera ever since I can remember. When I was a little older, I asked for a camera and got Brownie box camera, with which I began learning how to take photographs.
I joined the military, and my travels across Europe prompted me to purchase a Minolta X700, which I put to good use. Many of my photographs date from this time, and I took it everywhere I went. That camera was great, I had it rebuilt once, and I used it for almost 20 years before I finally sold it to go digital…even that now being many years ago.
This site has been running since 1997. There are 2 separate areas…”Transport” is all about transportation (planes, trains and automobiles), and also includes an extensive trove of vintage photos, negatives and slides that I have collected over the years. “Galleries” is all original photography work done by me, and is inclusive of many different subjects, types & styles of photography. (Note that many of the photos in “Transport” are not my original work, but are published for historic value.)
So please sit back and enjoy Castle Graphics: The Camera Eye.
NOTE: All images on this website are copyrighted by me (except where noted) and may not be sold or used in commercial presentations of any kind except by purchase of the use of the image. For non-commercial use of my images (websites, school, church or teaching use), please contact me with your needs.